1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 23, 2009 12:41 PM by b.eckenfels

    Job offer to debug



      we are hit by the Problem that a MDB (30 parallel) stops processing a queue without any real log message. We use EJB2 CMP Beans in the onMessage() Transaction with a XA Datasource and Oracle.

      After a random (not so easy reproduceable) time the Bean stops processing messaes. When I take a Thread dump I see no Threads in the onMessage() methode (i.e. the processing is not deadlocked) and the JMX Bean tells me all 30 Instances are used up.

      There might be some regular Exceptions in the commit phase (like timeouts), but most often they do not happen directly at the point of problem.

      Anyway, so this is an overview of the problem. In order to secure a quick fix (reading this forum it looks like it is not uncommon) we would like to pay a developer to look into this and try to fix it. Please contact me directly and provide me with credentials that you could work on this.

      It happens with different JBoss 4.2 Versions Java 5 and 6 and JBossMQ. We are also looking into JBM in parallel but for various reasons it is not so easy for us to switch.


      PS: bernd-jboss@eckenfels.net for the contact