0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 12, 2007 5:03 PM by wbossons

    Ajax4JSF filter - forceParser doesn't appear to work in my a


      I have tried to use forceParser to avoid having all of my pages parsed for XHTML strict, but I don't think it's working properly.

      I have been able to debug it to the point that I know that when I have the ajax filter configured, along with forceParser (set to false), my pages are still being parsed. I know this because if I go through every page that has embedded javascript and then wrap the javascript in cdata, then I can get my non ajax pages (with javascript) to work again. Previously, all I would see is XML parse error. Again, this only occurs when the ajax filter is configured.

      The problem is that JSF 1.2 will place a javascript in my pages that sets a cookie. This does not have the cdata wrapper that indicates to the parser that this is character data that should not be parsed. So, unless I write a filter for this tiny bit of code, then I cannot use Ajax4JSF unless the forceParser configuration is fixed.

      I'm willing to be wrong on this, but for my situation, I don't think I am. In fact, I'd like to be wrong and have the answer be simple.

      So, I have this information:

      Shale Tiles
      SUN JSF RI 1.2
      Ajax4JSF 1.1.<whatever the last version was>
      Glassfish v2
      NetBeans 6.1 IDE

      If anyone can help, I would really appreciate it. The XML parsing seems to break some other javascript code that we use -- jquery.
