5 Replies Latest reply on Nov 23, 2009 11:51 AM by alegomes

    Measurement report contains no data - not sending to Server


      Hello everybody,

      can you help me to debug this message?

      2009-09-25 16:04:32,282 DEBUG [InventoryManager.discovery-1] (rhq.core.pc.inventory.InventoryManager)- Post-processing newly committed resources: [Resource[id=4, type=Linux, key=mercurio, name=mercurio, parent=<null>, version=Linux 2.6.18-53.el5xen], Resource[id=5, type=RHQ Agent, key=mercurio RHQ Agent, name=mercurio RHQ Agent, parent=mercurio, version=1.3.0.GA], Resource[id=6, type=JBossAS Server, key=/home/jbossportal/jboss-epp-4.3/jboss-as/server/portal, name=mercurio JBoss EAP 4.3.0.GA_CP04 portal (, parent=mercurio, version=4.3.0.GA_CP04]]
      2009-09-25 16:04:32,286 DEBUG [InventoryManager.discovery-1] (rhq.core.pc.inventory.InventoryManager)- DONE syncing local inventory [12] ms.
      2009-09-25 16:04:32,286 INFO [InventoryManager.discovery-1] (rhq.core.pc.inventory.AutoDiscoveryExecutor)- Found 2 servers.
      2009-09-25 16:04:51,556 DEBUG [MeasurementManager.sender-1] (rhq.core.pc.measurement.MeasurementCollectorRunner)- Measurement report contains no data - not sending to Server.

      Why the hell no metric is being collected?


        • 1. Re: Measurement report contains no data - not sending to Ser

          Complementing the error above.

          > inventory
          + Resource[id=1, type=Linux, key=mercurio, name=mercurio, parent=<null>, version=Linux 2.6.18-53.el5xen] (sync=SYNCHRONIZED, state=STOPPED, avail=UNKNOWN, sched=0/0)
           + Resource[id=3, type=JBossAS Server, key=/home/jbossportal/jboss-epp-4.3/jboss-as/server/portal, name=mercurio JBossEAP 4.3.0.GA_CP04 portal (, parent=mercurio, version=4.3.0.GA_CP04] (sync=SYNCHRONIZED, state=STOPPED, avail=UNKNOWN, sched=0/0)
           + Resource[id=5, type=Hosts, key=hosts, name=Hosts Service, parent=mercurio, version=1.0] (sync=SYNCHRONIZED, state=STOPPED, avail=UNKNOWN, sched=0/0)
           + Resource[id=4, type=SSHD, key=sshd, name=OpenSSH sshd, parent=mercurio, version=1.0] (sync=SYNCHRONIZED, state=STOPPED, avail=UNKNOWN, sched=0/0)
           + Resource[id=6, type=GRUB, key=grub, name=GRUB Boot Loader, parent=mercurio, version=1.0] (sync=SYNCHRONIZED, state=STOPPED, avail=UNKNOWN, sched=0/0)
           + Resource[id=2, type=RHQ Agent, key=mercurio RHQ Agent, name=mercurio RHQ Agent, parent=mercurio, version=1.3.1] (sync=SYNCHRONIZED, state=STOPPED, avail=UNKNOWN, sched=0/0)
          Total Resources: 6 (1 Platforms, 5 Servers, 0 Services)
          > avail
          This agent does not have any committed resources in inventory.
          You must commit at least the platform resource to inventory
          in order to obtain availability reports.

          This same issue happens on Jopr 2.3.1 and also JON 2.3.0.

          • 2. Re: Measurement report contains no data - not sending to Ser

            When you first start an agent, it performs an initial auto-discovery of the things it can find on the box.

            In your case, the agent found:

            a) obviously, your platform itself (you are running the agent on a Linux 2.6 box)
            b) a JBossEAP 4.3.0.GA_CP04 instance
            c) some Linux services, OpenSSH and the grub boot loader
            d) the agent itself

            But that's just what the agent found. That is NOT necessarily resources you want to manage in your environment - currently, these resources are in what we call the "NEW" inventory status state. The agent just reports what it finds to the server, but an admin must "commit" those resources into inventory. An admin must "authorize" that those resources be officially placed into inventory by going to the "discovery queue" page (Overview>AutoDiscoveryQueue) and selecting the platform and servers to "commit" or "import" into inventory. Once done, those resources go into the "COMMITTED" state, and only then is the agent told to go ahead and consider those resources "manageable". Meaning, before you committed the resources into inventory, the agent will not collect availability data on those resources, nor will it collect metrics.... so that first debug msg you posted just means there were no measurement data collected so nothing is sent to the server.

            Once you import your resources via the GUI to commit them to inventory, then you will start collecting availability data and measurment data.

            The msg:

            "This agent does not have any committed resources in inventory.
            You must commit at least the platform resource to inventory
            in order to obtain availability reports."

            means you must commit the platform for this agent to begin to do anything useful.

            • 3. Re: Measurement report contains no data - not sending to Ser

              Thanks for you response, Mazz.

              Yes, I did imported all discovered resources and Auto Discovery Queue is empty by now (it'd be a shame if I have not done it, since I've been working with JON since 1.4.x version).

              Last Friday, all resources were inventoried but none was being monitored. Today, a new server has been discovered [1] and now, only its metrics were being collected [2].

              I tried to un-inventory all those non monitored resources [3,4] and re-import them back [5], but it didn't work. Those 4 resources didn't get in COMMITED status for some reason. So, I tried these step for a couple of times and, magically, it worked somehow. Don't know what happened.

              thank you so much

              [1] http://twitpic.com/ji0q9
              [2] http://twitpic.com/ji0gc

              2009-09-28 13:48:02,665 INFO [org.rhq.enterprise.server.resource.ResourceManagerBean] User [org.rhq.core.domain.auth.Subject[id=2,name=rhqadmin]] is marking resource [Resource[id=19, type=GRUB, key=grub, name=GRUB Boot Loader, parent=mercurio, version=1.0]] for asychronous deletion
              2009-09-28 13:48:02,679 INFO [org.rhq.enterprise.server.resource.ResourceManagerBean] User [org.rhq.core.domain.auth.Subject[id=2,name=rhqadmin]] is marking resource [Resource[id=18, type=Hosts, key=hosts, name=Hosts Service, parent=mercurio, version=1.0]] for asychronous deletion
              2009-09-28 13:48:02,705 INFO [org.rhq.enterprise.server.resource.ResourceManagerBean] User [org.rhq.core.domain.auth.Subject[id=2,name=rhqadmin]] is marking resource [Resource[id=16, type=RHQ Agent, key=mercurio RHQ Agent, name=mercurio RHQ Agent, parent=mercurio, version=1.3.1]] for asychronous deletion
              2009-09-28 13:48:02,719 INFO [org.rhq.enterprise.server.resource.ResourceManagerBean] User [org.rhq.core.domain.auth.Subject[id=2,name=rhqadmin]] is marking resource [Resource[id=17, type=SSHD, key=sshd, name=OpenSSH sshd, parent=mercurio, version=1.0]] for asychronous deletion
              2009-09-28 13:48:03,042 INFO [org.rhq.enterprise.server.discovery.DiscoveryServerServiceImpl] Processed AV:[mercurio][9][full] - need full=[false] in (26)ms
              2009-09-28 13:50:59,835 INFO [org.rhq.enterprise.server.discovery.DiscoveryServerServiceImpl] Processed AV:[mercurio][9][full] - need full=[false] in (16)ms
              2009-09-28 13:51:11,818 INFO [org.rhq.enterprise.server.scheduler.jobs.AsyncResourceDeleteJob] Async resource deletion - 4 successful, 0 failed, took [367]ms

              [4] http://twitpic.com/ji1ro
              [5] http://twitpic.com/ji1zo


              • 4. Re: Measurement report contains no data - not sending to Ser

                This same scenario described by alegomes occured on my environment.
                I'm using JON 2.3.

                When I un-inventory the resource e re-import it, all works fine.
                It's strange...

                The logs (agent and server) doesn't show any error...

                • 5. Re: Measurement report contains no data - not sending to Ser

                  And the same issue happened again.

                  Take a look: http://pastebin.com/f4d32de55

                  There's a bunch of resources inventoried (and they used to be UP), but no availability data is being report anymore.
