4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 13, 2009 6:04 PM by ips

    What happens when Jopr database goes down


      If the database used by JOPR goes down (crash), can Jopr send alerts ? Ex: "My Database goes down!!!"

      I will install the Jopr to use an Oracle database. My application use that databse too, and I want to know when this datatabase goes down.

      Car JOPR alert in this scenario ? How can I configure JORP server to alert right way ?

        • 1. Re: What happens when Jopr database goes down


          "dfilgueiras80" wrote:
          If the database used by JOPR goes down (crash), can Jopr send alerts ? Ex: "My Database goes down!!!"

          I will install the Jopr to use an Oracle database. My application use that databse too, and I want to know when this datatabase goes down.

          Car JOPR alert in this scenario ? How can I configure JORP server to alert right away ?

          • 2. Re: What happens when Jopr database goes down

            No, Jopr relies on the database for triggering alerts and just about all other functionality. I'd recommend setting up some other process to monitor the Jopr database - even a small script that pings the DB and is executed periodically via cron would do the trick.

            • 3. Re: What happens when Jopr database goes down

              we should add some kind of alerting mechanism when this happens.

              Even if its something small like, "send an email to someone@somewhere.com when the Jopr detects a Db backend failure".

              This obviously would have to be outside of the normal alert subsystem, because of the backend DB is down, the alert subsystem won't be able to do its job.

              • 4. Re: What happens when Jopr database goes down

                Yeah, that would be cool. As far as what configuration would be needed, I think we'd want to add a new property to rhq-server.properties which is a list of email addresses to send these low-level DB-down alerts to, e.g.:

                rhq.server.fatal-alerts.to-addresses = ips@foobar.com, mazz@foobar.com

                The SMTP host and port for normal alerts are already configured via rhq-server.properties. We could reuse those for the low-level alerts.