4 Replies Latest reply on Jun 13, 2009 12:11 PM by peterj

    Exploded ear deployment


      I didn't see it up front, but does embedded jopr support exploded ear files for deployment, or does it have to be a packed ear? I.E. a file system path deployment option, rather than uploading the file.

        • 1. Re: Exploded ear deployment

          You must supply an archive file (EAR, WAR, etc), but there is a "Deploy Exploded" option on the deployment page.

          • 2. Re: Exploded ear deployment

            This is a security issue - giving the browser a directory and allowing it to scan that directory and its subdirectories opens up a huge security hole. Anyone could then easily upload all of your personal data. Thus the browser is restricted to uploading only the one file you told it about.

            • 3. Re: Exploded ear deployment

              yeah - i wasn't implying you could upload a directory, it was assuming that the exploded archive was already on the server and could reference that.

              i'll have to look again, i didn't see a Deploy Exploded.

              • 4. Re: Exploded ear deployment


                assuming that the exploded archive was already on the server and could reference that

                If that is your goal, use the deploy operation on the MainDeployer MBean from the JMX console. For that operation you must supply a URL that the server has access to.

                For the admin console, whatever archive file you supply, it will be uploaded to the server and then deployed, thus the archive is not deployed "in place".