1. Re: General editor (plugin) framework
michaelneale Oct 26, 2008 6:54 PM (in response to heiko.braun)I think what is of interest in general is the ToolSet API that Mike Brock was working on. Its really just a simple way to snap in a few widgets - what those widgets do is up to them (thats the nice thing about GWT composites).
There are a few nice to have helper methods to popup dialogs etc to give a consistent behaviour and look, but they could be optional.
The main thing should be that when needed - users just sign in once, and can see all the bits they need to see in the obvious places (so admin stuff goes in admin).
I have done a PoC with JON - with some small tweaks to JON it is possible to also embedd it, to provide a more consistent navigation experience, see here: [img]http://www.jboss.org/community/servlet/JiveServlet/download/9834-32-4440/guvnorweb.png[/img]