1. Re: Report Server Build Dependency Issue
bmarbury Jan 7, 2009 6:56 PM (in response to bmarbury)* Nevermind, I found the jars in the birt runtime lib and manually installed them.
2. Re: Report Server Build Dependency Issue
heiko.braun Jan 12, 2009 10:13 AM (in response to bmarbury)Let me check. Maybe i forgot to push those dependencies to the jboss repositories.
But may I ask what your interest in that project is?
/Heiko -
3. Re: Report Server Build Dependency Issue
heiko.braun Jan 12, 2009 10:50 AM (in response to bmarbury)Ok, the binaries are now part of the jboss repository. In order to avoid further conflicts you should manually remove those libs from your local repo and run an update.
4. Re: Report Server Build Dependency Issue
heiko.braun Jan 12, 2009 10:53 AM (in response to bmarbury)But to get back to my second question:
If you are interested in contributing, we still have room for imporvements ;)
- add report caching, currently it does on demand rendering
- rendering upon request should become an admin functionality (roles)
- scheduler integration would be nice
- report template configuration shoud be externalized. especially the datasource config makes problems
- add more meaningful report elements to the default jbpm reports
If anything of that list appeals to you, please contact me privately -
5. Re: Report Server Build Dependency Issue
bmarbury Jan 13, 2009 6:59 PM (in response to bmarbury)Thanks Heiko.
To answer your question, I am evaluating jBPM as a developer for an end user application and trying to discover what reporting solutions are available.
Not much luck so far. I've looked at birt, seewhy, pentaho, but jbpm examples are scarce.
What do you mean by "default jbpm reports"?
I would be glad to contribute if we decide to go with jBPM.
Brian -
6. Re: Report Server Build Dependency Issue
heiko.braun Apr 27, 2009 6:54 AM (in response to bmarbury)The "default jbpm reports" are the BIRT templates that we ship with jBPM.