1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 19, 2001 9:13 AM by adrian.brock

    Create MBean through Agent Administration


      I want to register my MBean after the server is started.

      I start the server, put myClass.jar (with myClass.class, myClassMBean.class) in /lib/ext.
      (the server has started before I put it in)

      Then JMX Agent view (port 8082)
      then in the admin menue I tried this:

      Domain: MyDomain
      Keys: type=myClass
      Java Class: myClass
      Class Loader:

      But I got only:
      Create Result:
      470 Reflection
      java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: MyClass

      Then I tried the same procedure, but put the jar-file in the lib/ext directory before starting the server, and it works.

      My Question is, is it possible to put an jar-file to the lib/ext-directory AFTER starting the server and create a mbean?

      Thanks a lot