1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 3, 2002 11:32 AM by moatas

    MBeanProxy broke in 2.4.4?


      I have some code that runs fine in 2.4.3, but seems to break in 2.4.4. I am using MBeanProxy to lookup a handle to a deployed MBean.

      I am doing similar to this:

      Objec o = MBeanProxy.create(Foo.class, ":service=FooService");

      I get a NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/proxy/Proxies$ProxyTarget


        • 1. Re: MBeanProxy broke in 2.4.4?

          OK, this looks to work fine for my services, but not for the Timer service.

          I am doing this:
          timer = (TimerMBean) MBeanProxy.create(TimerMBean.class, "DefaultDomain:service=timer");

          Even with it deployed as a service, it didn't like it. I now leave it out of my jcml file, and manually create the service in a helper and it works fine....

