1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 24, 2002 8:26 AM by adrian.brock

    about JMX


      there are 3 packages in the JMX source code of JBoss-2.4.4_Tomcat-4.0.1:interface,client,server.
      what are their function?I mean what they implement?
      i cannot understand a client how to use them to finish a management.
      I am a newer to jboss,any help will be appreciated.
      thanks a lot:-)

        • 1. Re: about JMX

          If you go to the following url
          you will see Sun's http JMX adaptor.
          This let's you manage JBoss from a web browser.

          The packages you mention are for using RMI instead of
          http. The 3.0 testsuite makes use of this when deploying
          test applications. You could look at that (links in the FAQ) to see an example.
