1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 10, 2008 11:23 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Cannot use Arrow Keys with rich:suggestionbox


      I am trying to implement a autocomplete suggestion box using rich:suggestionbox tag. The suggestion box appears correctly, however I am unable to use arrow keys to select from the dropdown list. The only option I have is to use the mouse keys. The code looks like this:

       <h:inputText type="text" id="primaryManager" value="#{addNewUserBackingBean.newProfile.primaryManagerName}"
       <rich:suggestionbox id="properySuggestBox" for="primaryManager" minChars="1" nothingLabel="No Managers found"
       shadowOpacity="2" shadowDepth="4" cellpadding="2" styleClass="suggestionpopup"
       suggestionAction="#{addNewUserBackingBean.getPrimaryManagerNames}" var="result" fetchValue="#{result}">
       <h:outputText value="${result}" />

      Can anyone shed some light as to where I might be wrong/or missing something...
