0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 18, 2003 5:51 PM by clabu609

    Logging  a category at different levels to different appende


      Is it possible to configure lob4j.xml so that a category has different logging levels for different appenders?

      I would like to have the category "org.jboss" log at INFO level to the ConsoleAppender and at the same time have my own category "my.category" log at ERROR level to the ConsoleAppender. Easy, I set the threshold of the ConsoleAppender to INFO. The problem is that I also want "my.category" to log at DEBUG level to a FileAppender. If I configure a category "my.category" to log at DEBUG level I will end up getting INFO messages in the ConsoleAppender, which I don't want. How do I set up my category to log at different levels to different appenders?

      Thanks in advance,