1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 19, 2003 3:59 PM by adrian.brock

    Problem including SAR in a EAR



      here goes my situation

      I am having an MBean that depends on one of my ejb's in the application EAR. Now whenever i hot redeploy the MBean starts throwing exceptions cuz the beans no longer exists.

      After exhaustive searching came to know that i need to inlcude the MBeans in a SAR and place the corresponding jboss-service.xml in META-INF directory of the SAR.

      Place the SAR in EAR and then add a link of SAR in the jboss-app.xml

      Here goes the files




      i tried .sar in both exploded and imploded formats, and also i tried including both (exploded and imploded) formats in the EAR.

      But no matter what i get

      Failed to find the module: new.sar

      Btwn, I am not sure what shud be there exactly in the <loader-repository>

      somebody please provide me with an example, is i had

      new.sar in test.ear


      Meka Toka