1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 29, 2003 4:52 PM by adrian.brock

    Deploy Mbean and  EJB together


      My MBean debpends on serverl EBJ's. When i redeploy my EJB i get the well known classcastexpetion.
      FOr this reason i like to deploy and undeploy the Mbean and the EJB's in the same archive.
      Waht is the best way to do this ?

        • 1. Re: Deploy Mbean and  EJB together

          Two ways.
          Create an ear with META-INF/jboss-app.xml
          containing mysar.sar
          or my-service.xml
          You will need a on the ejb
          to make sure the ejb starts first.

          Use Russian doll packaging.
          Create a .sar with an ejb.jar inside.
          The ejb.jar is deployed first.
