1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 23, 2003 2:47 AM by adrian.brock

    remote mbean client


      I am working with standard mbeans for quite a time. Until now, the whole application (ejbs and jmx services) was on the same machine.

      Now I want to extract some of the application to a new machine.
      I would like that the clients of these services, will not know the physical location of the service (location transparency) , and which RPC they will use. It is all true for listening on notification.

      Is there some jboss util class that does the job?

        • 1. Re: remote mbean client

          You can get location transparency using HAJNDI.

          I think you will find there is a bit more to it
          than simply hiding where your services are located.

          Also, typically this kind of distribution of services
          leads to poor performance.
