2 Replies Latest reply on May 29, 2008 3:37 AM by psw

    a4j:support problem with h:selectManyCheckbox

      A4J support doesn't work with h:selectManyCheckbox component
      The page is like that:

      <a4j:region immediate="true" >
       <h:selectManyCheckbox id="protocolsSelectMany"
       layout="lineDirection" >
       <a4j:support event="onchange,onclick" ajaxSingle="true" />
       <f:selectItems value="#{protocolsList}" />

      This is rendered in html without any ajax support. No onclick events, no A4J.AJAX.submit() calls. So, nothing happens when checkboxes are clicked.

      What am I doing wrong?

      Thanks in advance, Serge.

        • 1. Re: a4j:support problem with h:selectManyCheckbox

          a4j:support does not allow comma separated list of event. It should be only one even name there.

          In general, you can have several a4j:support attached to the same component. However, in your concrete case, onclick and onchange are duplicate each other. Use only one of them.

          P.S. I do not see the reason for having <a4j:region immediate="true" >. You tried to use exorcism to make the code working, did not you?

          • 2. Re: a4j:support problem with h:selectManyCheckbox

            Many thanks for immediate answer!
            You're right, it was some exorcism for this case. :)
            And I didn't removed it. :(

            Sorry for bothering you.