2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 2, 2008 5:44 PM by rajakolli

    more than one action methods getting called.


      Hi All,

      The problem that I am facing is pretty weird.
      The issue is the i have an input field that takes date as input field.
      This field is inside a data taable

       <h:dataTable id="disbursementTable"
       value="#{certTemplateBean.disbursements}" var="disbursement"
       styleClass="disbursementTable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
       <h:column >
       <h:inputText id="disburseDate" styleClass="#{certTemplatesListBean.errorHolder.disburseDate} ms" size="10"
       <f:validator validatorId="RegExp" />
       <f:attribute name="regexp" value="[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4}" />
       <f:attribute name="fieldRef" value="Disbursement Date :" />
       <f:attribute name="message" value="Invalid Date" />
       <f:attribute name="bean" value="certTemplatesListBean" />

      FYI: I tried converter still same problem.

      So when ever I enter wrong data as "asda" inside this date field I get a validation error. which is good. So assume it took me 3 submit clicks to fix all my errors on the page.
      So now when I click the submit for the 4th time.
      The action method gets trigerred 4 times.

      Please let me know if this is because of the same issue thats mentioned in here


      Desperately waiting for a fix.
      Thank you in advance.