5 Replies Latest reply on May 14, 2004 10:39 AM by adrian.brock

    JBoss 3.2.3 - Clustered MBeans.


      Hi there,

      I am trying to implement a load balancing prototype using the 'round-
      robin' policy <org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.RoundRobin>.

      I have a two node cluster set-up and communicating. I use the farm service to deploy the prototype archive to the cluster.

      My service is an mbean extending HAServiceMBeanSupport. It uses a ProxyFactoryHA instance and a JRMPInvokerHA invoker. The dd is based upon:


      In a client for-loop the service is invoked e.g. 1000 times The bulk are consistently invoked on the one node - which happens to be the node running the client for-loop code. However I only ever see 1 or 2 of those invocations being invoked on 'the other' node.

      My expectation was a more even distribution of these invocations between the two nodes. However this is not the case.

      Can anyone help or suggest where I may be going wrong ?

      Thanks for all and any help.

        • 1. Re: JBoss 3.2.3 - Clustered MBeans.

          Do you see the same thing with RandomRobin?
          If you do, you have a pattern in your invocations.

          • 2. Re: JBoss 3.2.3 - Clustered MBeans.

            Cheers for the reply!

            I have been debugging the problem and so far it looks as if the FamilyClusterInfo list initially has two targets - JRMPInvokerProxy_Stubs to the respective endpoints - however after an invocation to the less-favoured node the list is reduced to a single target ie. the favoured node.

            Under what circumstances does the list get updated and more specifically how is the determination to remove a target made ?

            P.S. I had a limited success and did see the load-balancing behave as expected however this is no longer the case ... today. ;-)

            Thanks for any pointers !!

            • 3. Re: JBoss 3.2.3 - Clustered MBeans.

              Any changed view is returned to the client after the invocation.
              Take a look on the cluster partition mbean on the jmx-console.
              You'll find what it thinks is in the cluster and a history view.

              • 4. Re: JBoss 3.2.3 - Clustered MBeans.


                I got down to the JRMPInvokerHA.invoke() method where the HARMIResponse is constructed. There is a comparison between the from the Invocation instance and the <HATarget.clusterViewId> and these are not equal so the change is triggered.

                Now I looked into the JGroups/HAPartitionImpl interactions at the JGroups interface to try to understand how the HATarget gets its value set. I noticed the these 'low-level' view ids are not the same as the values displayed in the jmx-console 'DefaultPartition' mbean 'view id'. The high-level values are consistent across the cluster nodes. Some sequentially incremented value.

                I have traced through the DitributeReplicantManagerImpl.purgeDeadMembers() and calculateReplicantHash() but can see no relation to the high-level clustered view id.

                Why is the high-level view id not propogated down to this lower-level ? i.e. associate the 'replicants' directly with the cluster-wide view id.

                Thanks for your help!

                • 5. Re: JBoss 3.2.3 - Clustered MBeans.

                  Ask your question in the clustering forum.

                  What I can tell you is that jboss clustering is an abstraction, it is possible
                  to swap out jgroups for a different group communication library.