1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 28, 2004 10:25 AM by cbuckley

    SAR - ClassNotFoundException [Class.forName(className).newIn


      I have a mbean that on start-up get a className that is located in the .sar and creates a newInstance(). This was working fine for two or three days and now I get ClassNotFoundException upon redeployment.

      My .sar is as follows:

      /META-INF/jboss-service.xml, MANIFEST.MF

      In the /org/jnms/... is the code for the mbean, and a class the mbean is creating a new instance of. Like I said this was working and upon a shutdown and restart the service stopped working.

        • 1. Re: JBossDO Contributions

          If the original author is off working on another challenge, I'd be more than happy to help enhance the HiLo generator with the changes you mentioned. I'm fairly new to JBoss development, but I took a look at the code, and it should be something I can get my feet wet with.

          Let me know if the original auther is willing to give it up, and I'll see what I can do :).
