0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 2, 2004 5:16 PM by jjbarnett

    Scheduler and Recurring Job Tasks


      I have a job configured in the scheduler-service.xml to be executed every 5 minutes (executes an MBean). I was wondering how JBOSS works if the job, during one of those executions, takes longer than 5 minutes to complete. Does JBOSS go ahead and execute the job instance even though the previous job instance has not completed or does JBOSS queue up this job instance to run after the previous job instance has completed? I have done log printouts; and it seems like the latter; but just wanted to confirm. Below is my configuration in the scheduler-service.xml file:

      mbean code="org.jboss.varia.scheduler.Scheduler" name=":service=Scheduler,name=StockReportScheduler"
      attribute name="StartAtStartup" true
      attribute name="SchedulableMBean" user:service=StockReporter
      attribute name="SchedulableMBeanMethod" generateReport
      attribute name="InitialStartDate" NOW
      attribute name="SchedulePeriod" 300000
      attribute name="InitialRepetitions" -1
      depends user:service=StockReporter