0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 28, 2008 7:15 PM by pdpantages

    a4j:poll with ignoreDupResponses and lmitToList


      Hello Forum,

      I am using:
      Jboss 4.2.2.GA
      Seam 2.0.1.GA
      Richfaces 3.1.6.GA

      In an a4j:poll, I am using limitToList="true" to keep the
      updates to the components on my renderList. My renderList
      is produced by the backing bean and can vary from poll to poll,
      depending on what needs to be updated.

      I would like to use ignoreDupResponses also.

      If set ignoreDupResponses="true", will ajax responses containing
      different reRender lists be de-duplicated (dropped). ?

      I.e., is the reRenderList considered when determining that the
      response is a duplicate?

      For example, if my queue contains two poll responses for components "A,B,C"
      and "D,E,F", will ignoreDupResponses drop the first, "A,B,C" response?

      Thanks, PdP