1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 6, 2005 6:22 PM by dimitris

    how to disable jboss mbean start at deployment time


      I have written wrappers around some of our backend processors as mbeans. These mbeans extend jboss ServiceMBeanSupport. Therefore they inherit the start() and stop().
      However, at deployment time, I don't want these mbeans to start. The users will control the start/stop of these mbeans through jmx-console.
      If I do not extend ServiceMBeanSupport, and do not have start() stop() method names, then it will be OK. But I like ServiceMBeanSupport as it does a lot of state management for my mbean.

      Is there any other way? Such as inside jboss-service.xml?


        • 1. Re: how to disable jboss mbean start at deployment time

          Unfortunately we don't have that, ie. a way to declare in you -service.xml descriptor that you don't want your mbean to be started upon deployment. (maybe we should consider adding it).

          The ServiceControler will call create() & start() if he sees those methods exposed by your MBean.

          You'd have to provide your own set of lifecycle methods to do that with different names.