0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 16, 2006 12:37 PM by mjowen

    Remote Notifications with JBoss 3.2.3



      I'm using JBoss 3.2.3 and I want to have two JBoss servers, with one server (i.e. server B) getting notifications from the other (i.e. server A).

      I started this process with just one server, which sends notifications to other listeners on the same server. This therefore means I have a class which extends NotificationBroadcaster and uses the sendNotification method. There is then a class which extends NotificationListener and uses handleNotification to get the notifications. This seems to work ok.

      I then moved on to the implementation for server B. At the moment I've got a class which gets the necessary RMIAdapter for connecting to server A. Reading on the web, its seems I need to use the addNotificationListener method of the adapter to add a class which implements RMINotificationListener. Because I'm using JBoss 3.2.3 it seems I only have one addNotificationListener method signature which is:

      addNotificationListener(javax.management.ObjectName pName, javax.management.ObjectName pListener, javax.management.NotificationFilter pFilter, Object pHandback)

      The pListener is the object name of a registered MBean which implements RMINotificationListener. Having played around, it seems this MBean must be registered on server A, however, doesn't this go against the main objective I'm trying to achieve? When specifying an object name of a MBean on server B, it doesn't find it. Can anybody shed some light? :-)
