1. Re: any way to find server uptime
peterj Mar 16, 2007 1:45 PM (in response to teknokrat)jboss.system:service=Server provides a StartDate. You could subtract that from the current date/time to get uptime.
2. Re: any way to find server uptime
teknokrat Mar 16, 2007 2:02 PM (in response to teknokrat)cheers for that.
3. Re: any way to find server uptime
roopag Apr 9, 2008 6:56 AM (in response to teknokrat)hi
i have used the jboss.system:service=Server to find the jboss start date. but i get MBean exception. how to resolve this problem?
My code looks like,
RMIAdaptor jbossServer = (RMIAdaptor) ctx.lookup("jmx/invoker/RMIAdaptor");
ObjectName mgr = new ObjectName("jboss.system:service=Server");
Object newObj = jbossServer.invoke(mgr, "getStartDate", null, null);
Am I missing out something? Please help.
i need to find the Jboss uptime.
Thanks in advance. -
4. Re: any way to find server uptime
dimitris Apr 9, 2008 8:23 AM (in response to teknokrat)Try to read that as an attribute instead of invoking an operation.
5. Re: any way to find server uptime
roopag Apr 9, 2008 10:03 AM (in response to teknokrat)Thanks a lot for the reply.
I tried to read it as an attribute, but i get the Exception - InstanceNotFoundException.
It says that the jboss.system:service=Server is not registered.
How will I handle this situation? -
6. Re: any way to find server uptime
dimitris Apr 9, 2008 10:15 AM (in response to teknokrat)You will use the correct name: 'jboss.system:type=Server'
7. Re: any way to find server uptime
spolti Jun 22, 2012 1:37 PM (in response to dimitris)Hello guys,
If you need view uptime from shell use twiddle.sh..
Nice post..:)