4 Replies Latest reply on Dec 28, 2007 10:50 PM by peterj

    Management Application


      Hi all,

      I have about five jboss application servers in my development/production environment and I'm looking for a management applicaction to achieve some administrative tasks easy.

      For example:

      - Deploy/Reload applications remotely;
      - Centralized monitoring;
      - ...;

      Something like tomcat manager will help me a lot.

      Thanks !

        • 1. Re: Management Application

          If you have a "subscription" they probably provide fancy tools for this.

          But for poor people and poor businesses, you can use farmed deployments, remote JMX access (write your own tools), use twiddle.sh, etc. There's a lot you can do by accessing the deployment manager through JMX.

          • 2. Re: Management Application


            I'll take look on subscriptions features.


            • 3. Re: Management Application

              Anyone knows how to use twiddle.sh to undeploy and remove application files from $JBOSS_HOME/tmp/deploy/ ?


              • 4. Re: Management Application

                JBossAS creates MBeans for every application deployed. Look up one of the MBeans for your application using jmx-console. One of the MBeans should have application lifecycle methods (deploy,undeploy,start/stop), use those methods to control the application.