1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 23, 2009 3:49 PM by jamie.s




      I am porting an application from JBoss 4.2 AS to 5.1 AS.

      My predecessor implemented a plugin system. This system made use of the SARDeployerMBean, adding a notificationlistener, essentially like so:

      public class Plugin extends ServiceMBeanSupport implements NotificationListener
       protected void createService()
       server.addNotificationListener(SARDeployerMBean.OBJECT_NAME, this, null, null);

      The handleNotification listener is listening for state changes of the attribute 'STATE'.

      This does not work in JBoss AS 5.1, as that MBean is not bound.

      The closest thing I can find is the ServiceModuleJSR77Deployer bean (not mbean) in the jsr77-deployers-jboss-beans.xml config file.

      Am I completely in the wrong direction here?
      How can I detect that SAR deployment is complete in JBoss AS 5.1?

      Thanks for any insight,


        • 1. Re: SarDeployerMBean

          Never mind...

          The reason for the notification was deleted some time ago... but the addNotification was left in the code. It's no longer necessary, so problem solved.