0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 30, 2009 11:43 AM by menegazzo

    How to add listeners for notifications



      I'm trying to create a notification listener, is there any reference about notification types and how to structure the XML file?

      I found this:

      But i would like to know where to find a complete reference, or at least another examples.

       <mbean code="br.com.framework.scheduler.SchedulerService" name="framework.scheduler:service=SchedulerService" xmbean-dd="">
       <description>starts scheduler</description>
       <!-- Attributes -->
       <attribute name="SubscriptionList">
       <mbean name="*:*">
       <notification type="JBOSS_MONITOR_NOTIFICATION"></notification>
       <notification type="JMX.mbean.registered"></notification>
       <!-- Operations -->
       <description>Start service</description>
       <description>Stop service</description>

      The code above does not work, it says my xml is malformed (Field value invalid: name=null), but i cant see where it is this error.

      Thanks in advance