jems-installer-1.2.0.BETA2 has been released. The new installer can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=22866&package_id=193295&release_id=445071
Release Notes are:
Release Notes - JEMS Installer - Version 1.2.0.BETA2: JBossAS-4.0.4GA, EJB3 CR8, Portal 2.4 GA
** Bug
* [JBINSTALL-7] - Installer for jboss-4.0.3sp1-installer.jar / jboss-4.0.3sp1-installer.jnlp not securing jmx-invoker
* [JBINSTALL-62] - Missing jar for ejb3-clustered
* [JBINSTALL-63] - Portal doesn't run against ejb3 profile
* [JBINSTALL-66] - JBossRetro translates from "J2SE5 to J2SE1.5"?
* [JBINSTALL-70] - Can't install using path with spaces (cmd line mode)
** Feature Request
* [JBINSTALL-49] - Ability to configure datasource based on database selected
* [JBINSTALL-65] - Enable secured setup by default
** Task
* [JBINSTALL-39] - Installer should indicate which versions of components are included
* [JBINSTALL-64] - Integrate Portal 2.4 CR2
* [JBINSTALL-80] - Integrate Portal 2.4GA
* [JBINSTALL-92] - Update installer release guide