1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 11, 2002 11:56 AM by adrian.brock

    Classloader Weird Behavior


      I am installing a jar containing a session bean to jboss-2.4.4. If I start jboss with a classpath that points to the "loose" class files for the ejb and then deploy the jar file containing the same class files it seems to break the classloader. It cannot find javax.ejb.SessionBean and fails to deploy.

      Am I violating the ejb spec or jboss configuration by adding this path to the classpath?

      I need files in this path for the JAAS LoginContext to work properly.


        • 1. Re: Classloader Weird Behavior

          Your loose classes are being loaded by the system
          classloader and cannot see classes loaded
          from lib/ext using JBoss's classloader.

          Place your classes in lib/ext.

          I posted something in the FAQ forum just about the
          time you asked this question :-)
