4 Replies Latest reply on Feb 25, 2002 4:46 PM by javauser

    cannot find /lib/ext/ejb.jar - problem compiling


      I have installed JBoss-2.4.4.zip on windows 98.
      I was able to start the server successfully.
      [INFO,MailService] Started
      [INFO,ServiceControl] Started 48 services
      [INFO,Default] JBoss-2.4.4 Started in 0m:20s.210

      Problem compiling java classes.
      Cannot find /lib/ext/ejb.jar


        • 1. Re: cannot find /lib/ext/ejb.jar - problem compiling

          The jar you want is jboss\lib\ext\jboss-j2ee.jar


          • 2. problem compiling - cannot resolve symbol

            Thanks for your help.
            I was trying to compile a sample java file from an example.

            the error I get is
            C:\usr\lib\jboss>javac -classpath usr/lib/jboss/lib/ext/jboss-j2ee.jar:. com/web
            com/web_tomorrow/interest/Interest.java:2: cannot resolve symbol
            symbol : class EJBObject
            location: package ejb
            import javax.ejb.EJBObject;
            com/web_tomorrow/interest/Interest.java:11: cannot resolve symbol
            symbol : class EJBObject
            location: interface com.web_tomorrow.interest.Interest
            public interface Interest extends EJBObject
            2 errors


            package com.web_tomorrow.interest;
            import javax.ejb.EJBObject;
            import java.rmi.RemoteException;

            This interface defines the `Remote' interface for the `Interest' EJB. Its
            single method is the only method exposed to the outside world. The class
            InterestBean implements the method.

            public interface Interest extends EJBObject
            Calulates the compound interest on the sum `principle', with interest rate per
            period `rate' over `periods' time periods. This method also prints a message to
            standard output; this is picked up by the EJB server and logged. In this way we
            can demonstrate that the method is actually being executed on the server,
            rather than the client.
            public double calculateCompoundInterest(double principle,
            double rate, double periods) throws RemoteException;

            • 3. Re: problem compiling - cannot resolve symbol


              Your classpath is all wrong for windows.

              It should be
              javac -classpath c:\usr\lib\jboss\lib\ext\jboss-j2ee.jar;. etc.

              Notice the \ and ;


              • 4. Re: problem compiling - cannot resolve symbol

                Thanks a lot adrain.