0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 17, 2009 11:18 AM by adrian.brock

    OSGi/MC Service todos

      Services are also largely complete. What's missing is that we want to expose
      MC pojos and JMX MBeans etc. as OSGi services.

      The proper way to do this would be to push the OSGi Filter into kernel project
      and use the MDR INSTANCE scope as the attributes.
      There would be a gotcha in that OSGi expect attributes to have case insensitive names,
      but we would only have to enforce that for OSGi created services.

      The big problem with doing this now is that it would make it difficult to drop the OSGi
      layer into existing jboss releases since we can't change their MC implementations to
      do this.

      There's probably some compromise we can reach between the two extremes
      and leave the proper solution to a future major release of JBoss.

      We definitely need to do some service/mc integration to get the declarative service
      stuff working.