4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 22, 2003 6:10 PM by bcaceres-tririga

    Where do I put utility Jars for Directory based ear deployme


      I am deploying a mock ear directory structure to JBOSS 2.4.4_Tomcat-4.0.1. I create a directory called app.ear in the deploy directory - in this are directories with the required files for myejb.jar myapp.war etc. Also, there is a library directory, with all the utility jars that are referenced in the manifest.mf in the ejb jars (i.e myejb.jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - The classpath in there refers to them at library/utility.jar.

      When I pack this as an actual EAR - it deploy and runs fine. When I unpack all the EJB's, WAR's etc into a directory tree structure (to speed up deploy/debug) It won't find the utility classes. I have to put them in the lib/ext directory to be found, but of course any changes to these util jars don't get picked up. Any thoughts on this ... I'm trying to avoid building a 30M ear for each build/deploy/test cycle, but I want my build/deploy/test environment to match as close as possible the production ear format. I thought this directory based deploy approach would meet that need nicely, but can't get it to play correctly.

      Thanks so much !

        • 1. Re: Where do I put utility Jars for Directory based ear depl

          Ever notice that the jsps don't get picked up out of a directory structure either unless they're in war/ear files? It might be necessary to jar up jsps and class files in order for them to be correctly deployed to tomcat 4, if you find out otherwise please post and let me know how to avoid jarring all these jsps all the time...

          • 2. Re: Where do I put utility Jars for Directory based ear depl

            I have the exact same problem. We want to deliver an ear to the customer as a base to build their websites. Therefore we want a directory based deployment.

            Doesn't JBoss support open ear deployment?

            • 3. Re: Where do I put utility Jars for Directory based ear depl

              I also tried to deploy an exploded ear file on linux, I got round the problem by creating a soft link myear.ear in the deploy pointing to the exploded archive. Jboss deployed it without a problem.

              • 4. Re: Where do I put utility Jars for Directory based ear depl

                Ok, I tried this solution, but it is still not picking up
                my library jar file that has classes needed by the EJB's.

                i deploy my EJB with a MANIFEST.MF that includes a
                class-path entry for "../lib/classes.jar"

                the exploded EJB archive is contained in the
                ./ejb/MyEJB.jar directory. this has a sub-directory
                of META-INF with the previously mentioned MANIFEST.MF.

                The deployer claims to deploy ejb/../lib/classes.jar,
                but then the EJB's get NoClassFoundError during

                However the SAME SCHEME works if I just archive the whole

                I tried this with "classes.jar" as a directory as well
                as a JAR file. Either way I got the same result.

                JBoss Version = 3.0.3