2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 14, 2009 12:10 PM by adrian.brock

    3.6.3 Optional Packages


      3.6.3 Optional Packages


      A bundle can indicate that it does not require a package to resolve correctly,
      but it may use the package if it is available. For example, logging is important,
      but the absence of a log service should not prevent a bundle from running.
      Optional imports can be specified in the following ways:

      Dynamic Imports: The DynamicImport-Package header is intended to
      look for an exported package when that package is needed. The key use
      case for dynamic import is the Class forName method when a bundle
      does not know in advance the class name it may be requested to load.

      Resolution Directive: The resolution directive on an import definition
      specifying the value optional. A bundle may successfully resolve if a
      suitable optional package is not present.

      The key difference between these two mechanisms is when the wires are
      made. An attempt is made to establish a wire for a dynamic import every
      time there is an attempt to load a class in that package, whereas the wire for
      a resolution optional package may only be established when the bundle is

        • 1. Re: 3.6.3 Optional Packages

          Ales sais,

          Just found this in RequirementDependencyItem

           // Optional requirement
           if (requirement.isOptional() || requirement.isDynamic())

          • 2. Re: 3.6.3 Optional Packages

            The issue here is that the dynamic import metadata isn't getting mapped to
            a PackageRequirement at the moment (see OSGiBundleClassLoadingDeployer for the TODO).

            The reason I haven't done it, is because the OSGi metadata lets you specify
            the packages using wildcards, while the current jboss implementation
            only lets you do explicit package names.

            and related classes.

            I could make your test work (since it doesn't use wildcards) but that wouldn't be the
            full solution.

            There's a similar issue for the "uses" constraint.