3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 26, 2002 1:44 AM by sgturner

    error when run jndi server alone !


      there is a jnpserver.jar in the directory /jboss/server/all/lib.and I steped into this dirctory,using command java -jar jnpserver.jar.i

      it said that Fail to load main-class menifest attribute from jnpserver.jar.

      how can I run it alone?

        • 1. Re: error when run jndi server alone !

          jnpserver.jar is not an executable jar.

          You should be able to get what you want with

          ./run.sh -c minimal

          I think this just sets up jboss as a jndi server.


          • 2. Re: error when run jndi server alone !

            First thanks for your reply.But something wrong with this method.
            I use windowxp ,JBoss3.0 ,and I can use the command
            run -c minimal.

            but it complain that the file JOSS_HOME\lib\log4j.jar could not be open.

            and I look into the directory,and it really does not exsit,there just exist the file log4j-boot.jar.how to fix it.

            • 3. Re: error when run jndi server alone !

              Yes, minimal is broken. I have created a version of JBoss that only has loggin, hot deploy, 8082 management, and jndi. Under server directory, create a directory, for example myserver. Under myserver create directories conf,deploy,lib,log. In conf, copy in the jboss-service.xml file which I have attached, jndi.properties, log4j.xml. In deploy, copy in jmx-html-adaptor.sar. In lib, copy in jboss.jar, jboss-management.jar, jmxri.jar, jmxtools.jar,jnet.jar,jnpserver.jar,log4j.jar.

              then do run -c myserver