1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 5, 2002 5:29 PM by benw

    Downloaded, Extracted, Ran... Error!


      Okay, I downloaded the latest version of Jboss (both versions) and tried extracting them. No problems there. I ran the batch file and the microkernel registered as started. No errors here. However, when I try and enter http://localhost:8080 or, I get this error:

      Apache Tomcat/4.0.3 - HTTP Status 500 - No Context configured to process this request

      type Status report

      message No Context configured to process this request

      description The server encountered an internal error (No Context configured to process this request) that prevented it from fulfilling this request.

      (in this case, I was using the Tomcat-packaged version of JBoss). Does anyone know what's going on? If I run the Tomcat solo batch file, Tomcat works file. It's only when I run the Jboss batch file then this happens. Any help, guys? Please?
