6 Replies Latest reply on Aug 22, 2002 9:42 AM by virgosys

    Configuration of JBoss/Tomcat


      Hi All,
      I have developed servlets, jsp pages and ejbs (entity bean and session bean) in weblogic 6.1, it

      is working fine with bea's weblogic 6.1 application server.

      Deployment descriptors for entity bean are

      Deployment descriptors for session bean are

      Now i want to execute this code in to jboss application server, for that

      I have downloaded JBoss 3.0.0 (Application server) and tomcat 4.0.4 separately and loaded in

      different folders.
      Now when i tried to access ejbs from servlet it is not identifying my ejbs. giving


      1)What are the deployment descriptor files to write for jboss..?

      2)Where exactly i want to keep my ejbs in jboss..?

      3)How to create stubs and skeletons in jboss..?

      4)How to deploy the ejbs..?

      5)What are the initial context properties for jboss?
      i have set Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,"org.apache.naming.java.javaURLContextFactory"
      and i don't no Context.PROVIDER_URL properties in weblogic i was using t3:// as


      6) What are the xml files i need to modify in order to deploy the bean

      i have started both servers (jboss server and tomcat server) and placed beans jar file in

      E:\jboss-3.0.0\server\default\deploy folder

      Any help on this regard, will be appreciated greatly,

      Thanks in advance
      Best Wishes,

        • 1. Re: Configuration of JBoss/Tomcat

          > Hi All,
          > I have developed servlets, jsp pages and ejbs (entity
          > bean and session bean) in weblogic 6.1, it
          > is working fine with bea's weblogic 6.1 application
          > server.
          > Deployment descriptors for entity bean are
          > ejb-jar.xml,
          > weblogic-ejb-jar.xml
          > weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml
          > Deployment descriptors for session bean are
          > ejb-jar.xml,
          > weblogic-ejb-jar.xml
          > Now i want to execute this code in to jboss
          > application server, for that
          > I have downloaded JBoss 3.0.0 (Application server)
          > and tomcat 4.0.4 separately and loaded in
          > different folders.
          > Now when i tried to access ejbs from servlet it is
          > not identifying my ejbs. giving
          > namenotfoundexception.
          > 1)What are the deployment descriptor files to write
          > for jboss..?

          You can find the dtds for the descriptors
          in ${jboss.home}/docs/dtd

          There is some explanation in the quickstart docs

          Somebody has provided a generic deployer.
          It can convert weblogic descriptors into jboss
          descriptors as you deploy the jars.

          I'm not sure how complete it is.
          You have to get it from CVS.

          > 2)Where exactly i want to keep my ejbs in jboss..?


          > 3)How to create stubs and skeletons in jboss..?

          You don't need them.

          > 4)How to deploy the ejbs..?

          See question 2

          > 5)What are the initial context properties for jboss?
          > i have set
          > Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,"org.apache.naming.jav
          > .javaURLContextFactory"
          > and i don't no Context.PROVIDER_URL properties in
          > weblogic i was using t3:// as

          This might help you setup an external tomcat
          > Context.PROVIDER_URL
          > 6) What are the xml files i need to modify in order
          > to deploy the bean
          > i have started both servers (jboss server and tomcat
          > server) and placed beans jar file in
          > E:\jboss-3.0.0\server\default\deploy folder
          > Any help on this regard, will be appreciated
          > greatly,

          See question 2
          If you have problems look in server\default\log\server.log

          > Thanks in advance
          > Best Wishes,
          > Dinakar


          • 2. Re: Configuration of JBoss/Tomcat

            Hi Blighty
            I am rephrasing my problem hope you get a better idea:

            I am trying to access a simple stateless ejb from the servlet, for that, i have developed following files:

            remote interface
            home interface
            bean implementation
            jboss.xml (double checked the jndi name)

            and created a jar of these files and kept in the respected folders.

            Now i deployed, this jar file in - %JBOSS_HOME%\server\default\deploy,

            started the jboss server, it is successfully deploying my ejb,

            moving to the client side, i developed the servlet,hard coded the initial context in the serverlet.
            it is as follows:


            now, when i start the tomcat server and try to access ejb from the servlet it is throwing an exception like this.

            javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name HelloHome is not bound in this Context

            1)I have loaded tomcat in different drive an jboss in different drive...now how configure them ??? ...how to make them communicate each other???

            2) is mbean, necessarily required...? how can we work without that.

            Help in this regard, will appreciated greatly.

            Thanks in advance,

            • 3. Re: Configuration of JBoss/Tomcat

              Try listing the bindings from your initial context
              to make sure it is actually JBoss.

              for (NamingEnumeration e = ctx.list(""); e.hasMore();)

              Did you read the other link about configuring external

              Does the full stack trace mention org.jnp.* classes?


              • 4. Re: Configuration of JBoss/Tomcat

                Hi Adrian,

                Thanks alot for your prompt help and guidance. I really appreciate it and thanks once again.

                I tried to implement your suggestion, and got a exception:

                javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name HelloHome is not bound in this Context

                I have pointed the JNDI as below:
                "my jndi name-->HelloHOme"

                for (NamingEnumeration e = ctx.list("HelloHome"); e.hasMore();)

                AWaiting for your advice,

                Thanks in advance,

                • 5. Re: Configuration of JBoss/Tomcat

                  I really did mean list("") so you get a full of list of
                  what is available.


                  • 6. Re: Configuration of JBoss/Tomcat

                    Hi Adrian,
                    I tried to implement your suggestion, and got no listing. it is returning--> null..?? (ctx.list("")), ok...

                    For your reference:
                    Tomcat server is using, the initial context as:

                    JBoss as:

                    1) Does it, creats any problem..?????? if so, How to resolve that.

                    When I tried to hardcode, the InitialContext as(org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory) in the servlet, I got InitialConextException????.
                    Rootexception is ClassNotFoundException (org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory)

                    AWaiting for your advice,
                    Thanks in Advance,