1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 22, 2002 10:19 PM by dbronk

    JBoss 3.0 / Jetty - Changing context-root


      I have an exploded web site (not in a war because I have my gui guys frequently changing the jsp look and feel and don't want to get into rebuilding war files). I can't get two things to work. First is virtual hosts. I specify a virtual-host, but it is still browsed by any hit to the ip. The second is I can not get this web site to be the root context, instead I have to use www.MyHost.com/MyHost

      My directory setup is:
      ---MyHost.war (directory, not a file)
      ------all the web files (jsp, jpg, gif, html, etc)

      My jboss-web.xml has the following data:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      Please help.


        • 1. Re: JBoss 3.0 / Jetty - Changing context-root

          Thanks to MTeunissen on answering one of my other posts directing me to the cheap $10 pdf file which had my mistake. The correct format for what I wanted is:

          jboss-web.xml file in WEB_INF