1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 22, 2002 8:18 AM by adrian.brock

    Some jars are missing from JBOSS-Jetty distribution


      With the JBoss 3.0.0 with Jetty some jars are missing from distribution. While starting server with "all" configuration following message was shown :
      Will lack of xerces.jar, jdbc-se2.0.jar, jndi.jar, jta1.0.1.jar cause any error further?

      Putting these jars manually from other sources does not remove the following warnings.

      --------- SERVER OUTPUT ---------
      10:27:36,924 WARN [MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/C:/jboss-3.0.0/server/all/lib/castor.jar references URL file:/C:/jboss-3.0.0/server/all/lib/xerces.jar, which could not be opened, entry ignored
      10:27:36,924 WARN [MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/C:/jboss-3.0.0/server/all/lib/castor.jar references URL file:/C:/jboss-3.0.0/server/all/lib/jdbc-se2.0.jar, which could not be opened, entry ignored
      10:27:36,924 WARN [MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/C:/jboss-3.0.0/server/all/lib/castor.jar references URL file:/C:/jboss-3.0.0/server/all/lib/jndi.jar, which could not be opened, entry ignored
      10:27:36,924 WARN [MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/C:/jboss-3.0.0/server/all/lib/castor.jar references URL file:/C:/jboss-3.0.0/server/all/lib/jta1.0.1.jar which could not be opened, entry ignored
      --------- END SERVER OUTPUT ---------