4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 15, 2002 10:46 AM by pope

    EJB Deployment


      As a real beginner to EJB, I'm encountering some typical issues getting my EJBs deployed.

      Firstly, I'm looking for a deployment tool that will handle database mapping. I understand that EJX can do this but I can't locate the source code for this. Any clues anyone?

      Also, I'm currently using VAJ as my development environment, which seems to have little or no support of EJBs on JBoss. Has anyone written an up-to-date EJB test environment that will work with VAJ 4.x and EJB 3.x? If this in impractical, can anyone recommend an alternative and economical IDE for JBoss.

      Many thanks, NICK CRESSWELL

        • 1. Re: EJB Deployment

          You can use Ant(http://jakarta.apache.org/ant) for building and file deployment and Xdoclet (http://xdoclet.sourceforge.net) for generating the required EJB classes and deployment descriptors. I use Eclipse (quite similar to VAJ). You can get it at (http://eclipse.org/downloads). It has a few plugins available that can help in EJB development.


          • 2. Re: EJB Deployment

            I recommend you to read the book <<Java Development with Ant>> from Manning publisher. It has talked about using ant for deployment and it has also mentioned how to use XDoclets at the same time.
            I hope you can enjoy it.

            • 3. Re: EJB Deployment

              Thanks guys

              I'm able to create my jar files ok, but I'm a bit unsure about where I'm deploying them to. Something I've read tellme to copythe .jar to the Deploy directory. I have about four different deploy directories and I've tried most of them, but can't find any log file to show that deployment has actually occured.

              Can anyone tell me if I'm doing the right thing?

              Thanks, NICK

              • 4. Re: EJB Deployment

                JBoss works for more than one configuration (these can be found in the JBOSS_DIST\server dir. U have at install time 3 default confs: all, default, minimal.
                To deploy your app in one of these confs copy your jar in the deploy dir of the corresponding conf and start the app server with run -c conf-name (conf-name is the name of conf u want to use (e.g. all, default, minimal)).
                Starting the app server with the command run will use the default configuration.
                Watching the console,at some point you should see that your jar is deployed or not.

                Good luck