0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 21, 2002 4:31 PM by augustynr

    How to optimize jboss303/jetty?


      I have installed jboss 303/jdk1.4.1 and everything works, but it runs web apps slow!
      I deployed a Stateless Session ejb and that is fast and does not put much load on the server but when I deployed a struts based war file (created from jdeveloper 903) then server compiles it for minutes and then runs it very slowly.
      It is much faster to run it from my pc(jdeveloper) accessing ejbs remotely then running on the same box from jetty.

      The question is how can I optimize jboss installation to run just session ejbs, oracle db connection and jetty?
      I used jmeter to stress test this installation and my results are well below my expectations.
      I had 4 threads taking down 4cpu server.
      Thanks in advance.