1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 14, 2003 9:34 AM by lumin

    JBuilder7/8 & JBossOpenTool2.5 problems with Naming/Director


      I receive javax.naming.NameNotFoundException exception when I try to lookup my simple EJB from a simple Servlet.
      My test sample is very simple. Just one EJB and one Servlet from which I try to get some data and to show to the web.
      In the used Server configuration for JBoss with JBossOpenTool the active Services (Project Properties/Server/JBoss 3.x/Services) are:
      - Deployment
      - EJB
      - JSP/Servlet

      Unfortunately Naming/Directory service is not Active.
      Is it possible my problem is because Naming/Directory service is not Active. I try with JBuilder 7 and 8.

      In the source code of JBossOpenTool I see that there are some comments for JB7 and JB7/JB8. Part of the commented code is for Naming/Directory service.
      Do I have to removes the comments in order to use this tool with JBuilder7 and JBuilder8?

        • 1. Re: JBuilder7/8 & JBossOpenTool2.5 problems with Naming/Dire


          from my point of vies your probem doesn't depend on Jbuilder or the the voyager plugin. JBoss provides an implementation JNDI. Hopefully the following code snippet helps.

          betst regards ,

          Hashtable entries = new Hashtable();
          Vector keys = new Vector();
          try {
          Hashtable htenv = new Hashtable();
          //Look at the Jboss Quick Start Manual, to find this

          InitialContext context = new InitialContext(htenv);
          NamingEnumeration ne = context.listBindings("");

          if (!ne.hasMoreElements())
          out.println("I'm sorry, but there are no elemnts available");

          while (ne.hasMoreElements()){
          Binding binding = (Binding)ne.next();
          out.println("Binding-Name: "+binding.getName()+" Object: "+binding.getObject().toString()+"");
