1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 23, 2003 1:14 PM by khooke

    JBoss log4j.properties overrides properties in webapp?


      If a deploy a webapp that uses Jakarta Commons Logging & Log4J, I have my commons-logging.properties and log4j.properties in the WEB-INF/classes dir for my webapp.

      The log4j.properties for jboss in either conf/default or conf/tomcat seems to be overriding the settings I have in my webapp's properties file - it seems to be that the threshhold level of INFO is preventing my log.debug() statements from appearing.

      If I deploy the same webapp on tomcat4, the log statements appear as I expect and are definitely using the properties file in the webapp (the log statements are using the formatting I specified for the appenders).

      I am deploying my webapp on JBoss2.4.1/Tomcat3.2.3 (the bundled installation).

      Is there someting I am missing here? Do I have my properties file in the right place? Do I have to modify the jboss log4j.properties file instead of using my own log4j.properties file?

      Thanks in adanvce,
      Kevin Hooke

        • 1. Re: JBoss log4j.properties overrides properties in webapp?

          The log4j.jar included with JBoss2.4.1 is older than the one that is in my webapp's WEB-INF/lib. It looks like the version of log4j that still uses categories.

          Could it be that the log4.logger properties I have in my properties file are being ignored by the version of log4j that is being loaded by JBoss?

          If I include the latest log4j and commons logging jars in my WEB-INF/lib of my webapp, why are they not being used?
