3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 28, 2003 4:12 PM by whafrog

    Please Help LOG4J I am Stuck


      I have spent liek 3 weeks trying to figure this out. I am getting very frusterated. All I want to do is log from a Session Bean. Here what I have in my bean:

      Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("test");
      logger.debug("brette is here");

      Here is the entry in my log4j.xml file:

      <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>

      Here is the appender:

      <!-- The default pattern: Date Priority [Category] Message\n -->

      What am I missing it does not get any simpler then this please help.


        • 1. Re: Please Help LOG4J I am Stuck

          set THRESHOLD to DEBUG ... ?

          • 2. Re: Please Help LOG4J I am Stuck

            oh yes I did that sorry I copid the worng line in...

            • 3. Re: Please Help LOG4J I am Stuck

              I have the same problem: my app is being developed in two different places, one of which uses weblogic and the other jboss (I guess we get to mud-wrestle later to decide where we finally deploy :-) ). I'm using log4j in the app, and I get output on weblogic, but not in jboss. After reading posts and articles from all over, from since 2001, it seems there is no real cross-platform solution, ie: we can't use log4j the way we want to when using jboss, we have to write special code, or hack the jboss log4j.xml.

              This sucks, as I am otherwise a jboss fan. Just MHO, but I think it was a **very** poor design decision to have jboss take control of such a popular 3rd-party library. When the tools start meddling with my app, I get reminded of Microsoft. I hope they don't repeat this behavior with any other 3rd-party tools.