5 Replies Latest reply on Apr 22, 2003 8:12 AM by raviraul

    java.net.BindException error


      When I start Jboss server, Get following error-

      Error [Engine] HttpConnector httpConnector IO problem:
      java.net.BindException: Address already in use JVM_Bind:8080
      at org.pacche.catalina.connector.http..HttpConnector.open<Http connector.java:980>

      Can anybody help me on this? Thanks.

        • 1. Re: java.net.BindException error

          You've got something else running on port 8080 already.

          • 2. Re: java.net.BindException error

            I am trying to run 2 instances of Jboss 2.4.6 on my pc.
            I modified the port numbers in the standardjboss.xml
            in the conf/default folder.

            One server starts fine.When i run the 2nd one,
            i get the JVM already in use error at port 4444.
            I changed the xml so that i have 5555 and 6666 in the 2 serves file for the

            Can someone tell me what is going wrong. I am not using JProbe.

            • 3. Re: java.net.BindException error

              How can i find what is running at port 8080? Only thing running in background is ORACLE.

              Also, is there way to change Jboss to use different port?

              • 4. Re: java.net.BindException error

                netstat -a


                • 5. Re: java.net.BindException error

                  Disabled the Oracle Servlet Engine that
                  ships with Oracle 9i. I haven't figured out how to disable it
                  completely, but I've figured out a way to move it to a port other than
                  8080 (so that it doesn't conflict with Tomcat).

                  To change the port, first ensure that Oracle is started. Then go to
                  the command prompt and perform the following steps:

                  1. cd %ORACLE_HOME%/jis/install
                  2. sess_sh -u sys/change_on_install -role SYSDBA -s
                  3. @serverendp.ssh admin 8888 9090 -register
                  4. exit

                  This moves the Oracle Servlet Engine to port 8888.