1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 10, 2003 3:04 AM by frito

    Deploying Xalan under JDK 1.4 with Servlet 2.3 Classloading


      I'm currently deploying Xalan and Xerces in JBoss 3.0.7 and
      JDK 1.4.1 using "-Djava.endorsed.dirs" to point to a
      separate directory where the Xalan and Xerces jar files are

      The enterprise application that I'm working on has 3
      different web applications - a GUI and two SOAP interfaces.
      What would be the best way to deploy different versions of
      Xalan/Xerces for each of the different web apps ? Does it
      work to use Servlet 2.3 classloading (i.e., set
      Java2ClassLoadingCompliance "false" in
      jbossweb.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml) ? In other words,
      with Servlet 2.3 classloading enabled, will the web
      applications each find the version of Xalan deployed in
      their respective WEB-INF/lib/ directories, even though the
      core JDK has a "endorsed" version in rt.jar ? I was
      wondering whether anyone else had experience with this and
      had it working OK.

      Thanks in advance,


        • 1. Re: Deploying Xalan under JDK 1.4 with Servlet 2.3 Classload

          This approach should work with every deploymemt unit for your version of JBoss (.jar, .war, .ear, .sar):

          You can use the loader-repository and the loader-repository-config tag in your JBoss specific deployment descriptor. This tells JBoss to use an own repository for this unit and to turn the direction of delegeation from child to parent. Example:
