2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 5, 2003 7:18 AM by dbronk

    System.out file in JBOSS_HOME/bin directory



      We have turned all the DEBUG off. Still System.out file is getting generated in JBOSS_HOME/bin directory.

      Another observation is, when we do load test, the System memory increases, and is never seemed to be getting released. But if i just open and close this System.out file, then the System seems to be releasing the memory. I have observed this on Solaris. Windows 2000 seems to be working fine (Memory). The System.out file also doesn't get deleted once the server restarts.

      We are using Jboss-3.2.1 (Also tried this on Jboss 3.2.2RC4) on Solaris (And on Linux and Windows 2000). We use Oracle 8.1.7 as the Database.

      Any help on how to shut down DEBUG messages being printed to System.out files would be appreciated
