1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 30, 2003 11:11 PM by jonlee

    Requirement on OS/hardware and database


      Hi all,

      I am a novice in JBOSS and would like to use it to embark a Ecommerce project. I have the following OS/Hardware issues that I hope to know:

      1. I plan to install in Red Hat Linux Advanced Server. What version is certified, any pre-reqs?

      2. I will use Intel server. What chip is support (Xeon or Itanium2)?

      3. I plan to use mySQL for data store. What version of mySQL is supported for the current version of JBOSS?

      Yoke Ling

        • 1. Re: Requirement on OS/hardware and database

          J2EE systems are, too a large extent, partitioned from the underlying datasource. As long as there exists a compliant JDBC driver the database will most likely be supported - the proviso usually being the mapping relationships for Entity Beans and the supporting database elements. The latest mySQL servers bundled with Red Hat AS should be fine.

          JBoss is a pure Java application server. As such, it is not directly CPU dependent. Your Java JDK must support the CPU and the OS. JBoss 3.2.x requires at least Java 2 JDK 1.3.1 (actual release that works varies depending on the JDK provider). It is probably better to obtain the latest JDK (1.4.x).

          The only other requirement is a properly configured network service for Linux - e.g. The hosts file is properly edited, the hostname is resolvable and so on.