1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 11, 2003 8:41 PM by juha

    exclude VSS version files from being used for deployment


      Hi, i am working with Visual Source Safe, eclipse and jboss. When I start my server jboss alwas tries to deploy the vss .scc files, which leads to an error. Is there a way to exclude these files from deployment.


        • 1. Re: exclude VSS version files from being used for deployment

          You could create your own filter which excludes VSS files. See your conf/jboss-service.xml for configuration of a custom filter:

           <!-- The Filter specifies a java.io.FileFilter for scanned
           directories. Any file not accepted by this filter will not be
           deployed. The org.jboss.deployment.scanner.DeploymentFilter
           rejects the following patterns:
           "#*", "%*", ",*", ".*", "_$*", "*#", "*$", "*%", "*.BAK",
           "*.old", "*.orig", "*.rej", "*.bak", "*,v", "*~", ".make.state",
           ".nse_depinfo", "CVS", "CVS.admin", "RCS", "RCSLOG", "SCCS",
           "TAGS", "core", "tags"
           <attribute name="Filter">org.jboss.deployment.scanner.DeploymentFilter</attribute>

          -- Juha