6 Replies Latest reply on Oct 13, 2007 10:28 AM by demetrio812

    [CDK] Few questions about dependencies and tags in jspx temp

      Hi all,
      I've started to discover a power of CDK while talking about custom components creation. This is very interesting issue for me, so I suffer a bit because of poor documentation covering this subject. I've found only a few articles in the Wiki (a bit outdated) and one article by Wesley Hales mentioned in other posts. So, if you know any other resources that I can use to learn, I will appreciate your help.

      However I managed to build my first component jar but I encountered some problems. The first one was that after I had called:

      mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.richfaces.cdk
       -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-jsf-component -DarchetypeVersion=3.1.1-GA
       -DgroupId=org.mycompany -DartifactId=mylib

      I have had to add some lines manually to the generated pom.xml file, so as to my make my build successful. That was about the dependencies which were not contained in the pom file:


      After I had added above code to the pom.xml file manually, my build has succeded. So I'm wondering if something is wrong with the cdk, or is it my bad. The strange thing is that when I was using -DarchetypeGroupId=org.ajax4jsf.cdk -DarchetypeVersion=1.1.0 parameters everything was OK.

      My second question is about jspx templates and tags that are being used there. These are:
       xmlns:c=" http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"
       xmlns:ui=" http://ajax4jsf.org/cdk/ui"
       xmlns:u=" http://ajax4jsf.org/cdk/u"
       xmlns:x=" http://ajax4jsf.org/cdk/x"

      I was not able to find any information about meaning and potentialities of mentioned tags (prefixes) so I'm not able to use them efficiently. If somebody can provide any explanation, documentation or useful links I will be very grateful.

      Thanks in advance!