1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 26, 2004 4:49 PM by amishguy

    Configuring Apache Cocoon 2.0 with jboss 3.2.5


      I am trying to configure Apache Cocoon 2.0 with jboss 3.2.5. ANy help about how to go about it will be highly appreciated.

        • 1. Re: Configuring Apache Cocoon 2.0 with jboss 3.2.5

          I can help you for Cocoon 2.0.4. Do the following:

          0) Create a directory called cocoon and copy cocoon.war there
          1) Expand cocoon.war (jar -xf cocoon.war)
          2) Remove cocoon.war
          3) Replace the batik jar (WEB-INF/lib/batik*.jar) with a newer one (1.5.2) since this is corrupt.
          4) Rejar (jar -cf cocoon.war *)
          5) Copy cocoon.war to $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/

          Now start JBoss and try going to http://HOSTNAME:8080/cocoon